Tina Hernandez

Tina Hernandez

Chief Academic Officer


As a Black woman growing up in poverty in Oakland, Tina Hernandez has intentionally crafted an anti-racist stance focused on creating equitable outcomes for black and brown youth. In 2005, Tina joined Lighthouse as a classroom teacher and created a home-place for her students that allowed them to excel academically. She continued to develop her craft as Adjunct Professor of African-American History and Literature at Cal State East Bay and many local community colleges. In 2010, she had the honor of founding Aspire College Academy in deep East Oakland. Then, she returned to Lighthouse as the K-4 Principal in 2014 where she developed systems for shared leadership and a culture of shared accountability. While Tina is compelled to seek educational justice for black and brown youth in East Oakland, her children Ray-Anthony, Alberto, and RosaMaria inspire her to lead from a place of love and community.

Leadership, Staff, and Board of Directors