Jillian Kwan-Jacobs Headshot 2023

Jill Kwan-Jacobs

Jillian Kwan-Jacobs loves bringing structure and order to finance and operations. She is the current head of Financial Management and Operations at EdVoice, an education advocacy nonprofit. Jillian spent the first part of her career in the finance industry concluding with the banking arms of Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch. After earning her MBA from UC Berkeley, she has led finance, operations and project management functions in mission-driven organizations. Through her volunteer efforts she has served on nonprofit boards and committees dedicated to youth and DEI education. Having attended K-12 schools in the San Francisco USD, then completing both undergraduate and graduate studies at UC Berkeley, Jillian is a proud product of the California public education system. A first-generation immigrant, she has a deep appreciation for the life opportunities that access to a high-quality education can unlock.

Leadership, Staff, and Board of Directors