Our Vision: At Lighthouse, we moved much of our College and Career counseling out of the office and into the classroom. This ensures that all students fully understand the range of post-secondary options they can pursue after high school and what they need to do to realize each of these possibilities.
From Theory to Action: In 9th and 10th grade, all students participate in monthly college and career workshops in Crew (advisory) led by our College/Career counseling staff. In 11th and 12th grades, all students take a one-semester elective class called College and Career Seminar in which they identify their career aspirations, create a college list, and then apply to college and for financial aid. Our College and Career Seminar class uses the OneGoal curriculum framework, a nationally recognized model shown to increase college persistence and graduation rates. Students and families also receive extensive counseling and support outside of class and we try to take all high school students on at least one college visit per year.
CTE Pathways: Supported by the taxpayer-funded Measure N initiative, all students at LCPS participate in a Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway. At Lighthouse, students go through our Product Design Pathway, where they take classes in 2D Design, 3D Design, Graphic Design, and Advanced Manufacturing. At Lodestar, students pursue a Media, Arts, and Design Pathway that trains students in foundational-level skills in the Media industry.
Learn more about how Lighthouse invests in Technical Career Education through Oakland Measure N Funding
Dual Enrollment: In partnership with the Peralta Community College District, LCPS is proud to be able to offer free college classes on its campuses. Students taking these classes earn college credits. while satisfying A-G high school graduation requirements.
Learn more about how Dual-Enrollment Courses ease the transition to college for many first-generation students
Please contact joshua.weintraub@lighthousecharter.org with any questions.